
This is how the activity of the winery changes in the face of the new situation generated by the Covid-19

This is how the activity of the winery changes in the face of the new situation generated by the Covid-19

In a couple of days life has taken a big turn for all of us. We are still adapting to the new situation and, starting today, we begin to take the first steps to resume the activity of the winery in the face of the circumstances imposed by the state of alarm decreed by the Government.
The country’s activity has slowed down, but in our case there are circumstances that do not stop and which we must attend to. The vineyard continues its rhythm, and we will have to continue with the controls in the field. The production work will also continue, to meet the orders that, fortunately, continue to come to us from abroad, although the nationals have suffered a considerable and logical decline. All this implies that the logistics and administration work will not be able to stop either.
But even if we continue working, we will do so by adopting new measures:

– Part of the team, especially those responsible for administrative and accounting tasks, carry out their work from home.
– Those colleagues who have to continue coming to the winery and have family to attend to at home, will have facilities to reconcile work and personal responsibilities.
– We have increased the usual disinfection tasks in common areas.
– Lunchtime, where we usually meet in teams, will be individual.
– We have established the safety distances between jobs.
– We have stopped commercial visits.
– We have stopped wine tourism visits at the La Roda and Jumilla wineries.
The winery will remain closed to the public.

These days we are not only concerned with our activity, but also with that of our clients: restaurateurs and specialized stores that have had to temporarily lower the blind, with all that this entails for a business. We want to convey to them that we will be there when the lights and the stove are turned on again, to support them and do our part so that the return to normality is as quick and benevolent as possible.

We also want to express our support and admiration for the health professionals, the security forces and the store workers who will remain open these weeks, trying to put some normality to this exceptional situation.

And of course, we send all our energy to those affected by Covid-19, so that they recover quickly, as well as all the support for the families of the deceased.

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