A long time ago, we wrote a post in which we proposed to organize a blind tasting at home with friends and we explained how to do it step by step to have a good time enjoying various wines.
With all this mess of Covid-19 that has us between four walls, you are surely looking for activities to do at home, and we have thought to adapt this activity to the current circumstance caused by the coronavirus.
If you are a sufficient number of adults at home (from three it may already be fine), you can follow the steps of the blind tasting.
If you are less, it is more complicated. In that case what we propose is to do a normal tasting.
For this we provide you with this downloadable tasting sheet, which will help you follow the steps of the three phases:
1. Visual phase: name of the wine, the winery, designation of origin, vintage, its price, the appearance of the wine and its color.
2. Olfactory phase: intensity and odor.
3. Gustatory phase: taste and aftertaste.
In the file you have a good summary of different colors, smells and flavors that you can find in wines.
Tricks to keep in mind in the tasting wine
In the visual phase, to see the color of the wine well, you can turn the glass a little and have a white surface in the background (a white paper, a napkin…). This way you will see its color much more easily.
In the olfactory phase, first smell the wine in a standing glass, and then you move it, with the classic circular movements of the glass so that the wine is oxygenated, and then you smell again. You will see how the smells have changed because the wine will have opened with the movement and will have much more expression.
In the gustatory phase, it is recommended not to swallow the wine immediately, but to keep it in the mouth for a few seconds and move it throughout the oral cavity, so that all the papillae do their job and detect the nuances of the wine. Experts also sip air between their teeth, to further expand the wine’s sensations. Try it to see what you perceive. It is about experimenting and learning.
We do not encourage you, in this situation, to indulge in wine, far from it. Wine, like any alcohol, should be taken in moderation. But this way, with a glass a day, the quarantine will be much better. You can find our wines on multiple online sales platforms, which are still active.
Enjoy yourselves!